...I can only seem to post about once a week. For right now that will just have to do :)
I slowly started adding workouts in every week. I am already set with 4 Zumba classes a week, but I need more in order to lose the weight and get in the shape that I want. I also struggle with having the right diet, and by diet I mean daily intake. I am not a very healthy eater and this is where I struggle the most. Truth be told, I like pop, potato chips, cheese burgers, and occasionally an alcoholic beverage. I am completely and totally a junk food junky. I hate that too because it is a real struggle for me. Exercise for me is easy, I love it. I crave it just like I crave crappy food. It is the easiest thing for me to change.
So I have started running on my lunch to get and extra workout in and to train for 5k season (I have a race this Saturday). I love that, coming back to the office and feeling like I have the energy to take on the rest of the day. It is great to be able to push through the rest of my day without caffeine just because I got a run in.
I encourage you today, if you are trying to make a change or if you have been saying over and over how you want to change you habits. In my line of work (fitness instructor) I hear all the time how people "want" to get in shape or how they "want" to workout. I tell people this saying all the time: "If you do what you have always done, you are going to get what you have always gotten....."
Which means if you do the same thing over and over again, don't expect a different result. Trust me, I get it, I want an easy way out too, but the truth is that there isn't an easy way out, there is only one exit out of an unhealthy lifestyle, the only option is whether you decide to take it or sit in the doorway.
Yes, life is crazy. I hope I don't make this all sound super easy, "Oh look at me, I run on my lunch and I teach Zumba classes, and everything is all lollipops and rainbows!" No, it isn't. I have a family, a job that I work 40 hours a week separate from Zumba. My husband has commitments, my kids are young and active, it isn't easy.......but it is all necessary if I want to live long and happy and enjoy the life God gave me..............So I leave you today with this, you are the only one who can make yourself a priority, no one else is going to do it for you. Are you important enough to yourself? If not, you have some changes to make.......
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