Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lots to say

Lots has happened since my last post.  I've had a baby, pre-maturely, I have taken a new job, and I most recently have given up  my title as Mrs. WV Intl.  That being said I would like to continue blogging.  I have decided to start blogging about my new transition into a mother of 2 children and my struggle to keep active and healthy.  This was my platform at the Mrs. International pageant last year and it will continue to be something that I think women need to focus on.  So to start off my new direction I will admit somethings about myself.......

1 - I don't get nearly enough sleep.  Not because of my baby keeping me awake, but because I am an over committed individual who uses late nights to have some "me" time.

2 - Eating healthy has always been a struggle for me.  My palate restricts me and I tend to turn away from most green foods.

3 - Since having Zumba Baby (my son), I have found it hard to squeeze in more exercise.  I still Zumba between 3-4 times a week, but I like to workout more than that and it is hard to find the time. 

Okay, now......I want to change these things.  I will keep you updated on how that goes :)

My goal is to get bathing suit ready by our vacation.  I have about 10 lbs to lose to be where I want to be.  I only gained 18 lbs during my pregnancy and I want these last few pounds to go away, easier said than done!

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