Friday, March 30, 2012


April will be more like a marathon than a sprint.  Good thing I have been getting my workouts in :D

Even though I have been involved in my community for many many years, and even though my involvement has been mainly centered around health and wellness, my involvement with the American Heart Association is recent.  To be honest, it just clicks.  I am also heavily involved with Cervical Cancer Awareness as well as reproductive cancer because my mother is a cervical cancer survivor. 

This is why I like my platform, slowly but surely it is coming together.  Yes, my main focus is the AHA Go Red Campaign, but by getting healthy you can also branch out into preventing all kinds of illnesses including all types of cancer and diabetes, causes I have been involved with for years. 

April is a big month because I have 4 events specific to AHA this month, 5 if you count an additional Scentsy fundraiser.  I also have a Zumbathon for Relay for Life I will be involved in and a Zumbathon for Foster Care Awareness/Mission WV that I have been helping to organize.  Oh and Miss WV United States that I am emceeing and helping with as well.  By the time May gets here I don't know what kind of shape I'll be in :D  I am happy though.  It just goes to show that anything can happen when people put their minds to something.  I can't thank the women in my Zumba classes enough.  You all have been involved with all of these causes and raised awareness and money for things that will help so many people, including yourselves. 

I can't stress enough the importance of personal health.  We want to take care of everyone else, but we often forget to take care of ourselves. 

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